Unforgiveness has been a leading cause of illness and death, more than attacks from a gun or knife. Unforgiveness can cause illness in your body without warning or an explanation. In the medical world, tumors are said to be a cause of stress and worry and in the spiritual realm, we call it unforgiveness.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Preparing for the Unexpected
Editor's Note: Excerpt from the e-book, Preparing for the Unexpected: How to Develop Unshakeable Faith in God in Uncertain Times by United in Christ Ministries of Canton, MI
We are living in perilous times, the likes of which we have never seen in recent history. Our society is so unstable that we do not know what will happen from one minute to the next. For example, who would have ever imagined that The Great Recession of 2007-2009, would drastically alter the work life of thousands of American workers. This disaster also took a toll on their personal lives since many were laid off from their jobs, lost their homes and experienced other setbacks.
The vast majority of people did not expect our country to experience the type of financial issues we have witnessed within the past decade. However, there were economists and others who predicted that these events would happen and advised people to prepare for the impending disaster.
At the same time, we who were spiritually discerning noticed that a shift was taking place in our spiritual lives. We may have not known what was going on at the time, but God did, just like the economists knew about the economy trouble in which the country was heading. Through these difficulties, God was showing us how to face challenges by relying on Him.
Preparing for the unexpected is developing an unshakeable faith in God so that when the unexpected comes, we place our trust in Him to see us through it. We did not expect our lifestyles to change as the country turned topsy-turvy, but through this, we became more dependent upon God.
Monday, August 19, 2013
God's AMBER ALERT: Finding and Caring For His "Missing" Children

Sunday, August 4, 2013
"To Live You Must Forgive"
By Pastor Patricia Reeves
Today is International Forgiveness Day, the first Sunday of August.
Global Forgiveness Day began in 1994 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The holiday was created and sponsored by Christian Embassy of Christ's Ambassadors.
When you don't forgive you develop a stressful life and you create a lifestyle of worries about someone or something that offended you and it occupies your time and mind 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can’t pray and you can’t get into good praise and worship because you are thinking about how someone offended you and it overtakes you in thought and deed. This is not a healthy lifestyle for anyone, especially Christians and God does not honor it. His Word says to forgive “70 x 70” and then He asks the question: “If you don’t forgive your brethren, how can your Father which is in heaven forgive you?” Still people don’t get it, complete healing comes with forgiveness.
Today is International Forgiveness Day, the first Sunday of August.
Global Forgiveness Day began in 1994 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The holiday was created and sponsored by Christian Embassy of Christ's Ambassadors.
Unforgiveness has been a leading cause of illness and death, more than attacks from a gun or knife. Unforgiveness can cause illness in your body without warning or an explanation. In the medical world, tumors are said to be a cause of stress and worry and in the spiritual realm, we call it unforgiveness.
When you don't forgive you develop a stressful life and you create a lifestyle of worries about someone or something that offended you and it occupies your time and mind 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can’t pray and you can’t get into good praise and worship because you are thinking about how someone offended you and it overtakes you in thought and deed. This is not a healthy lifestyle for anyone, especially Christians and God does not honor it. His Word says to forgive “70 x 70” and then He asks the question: “If you don’t forgive your brethren, how can your Father which is in heaven forgive you?” Still people don’t get it, complete healing comes with forgiveness.
Monday, July 15, 2013
God is Here to Calm Our Fears!
With all that is going on around us in the world, we have much to fear. Yet, one announcement that appears many times in the Bible is "fear not"! The words were spoken to someone who was afraid of the Divine Presence of God or an angel. God also encouraged His people with these words as they were about to go into battle or carry out His directive.
If God did not give us a spirit of fear, then where does it come from? A spirit of fear comes from our lack of faith and trust in God and in His ability to help us. When we do not place our confidence in God, fear takes hold of us and we become vulnerable to, Satan, who wants to make us useless and ineffective in doing God's work (1 Peter 5:8).
We must be on guard and not allow a spirit of fear to take hold of our lives. But, it's not as easy as it sounds. Every time you turn on the television and hear the news, or pick up your phone and talk to someone who is hurting, it's hard not to become afraid. Nevertheless, we must remember what Nehemiah said when Israel's enemies threatened to stop them from rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem:
"… Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome…"
God is still telling us today: "Fear not! No matter what you are going through, I AM with you." Whether you're facing an illness, a financial crisis, or a divorce, God is helping you through the difficulty. During these times, we must take advice from Nehemiah and "remember the Lord."
In Psalms 56:3 (NIV), David confessed to God: "When I am afraid, I will trust in You." David was hurt and betrayed by people who were close to him. He faced near-death experiences, as well as suffering for the wrongs he committed. Nevertheless, no matter what David went through, he turned to the Lord for help. And, the Lord helped him in every situation.
God is still the Solid Rock of support for His people. He will give us the strength that we need to face any adversity, if we ask Him for help and turn our worries over to Him.
The antidote to fear is placing your faith in God. In doing so, you will "have no fear of bad news: (for your) heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord " (Psalm 112:7, NIV).
While you may be going through a difficult time, do not panic or else you will miss the voice of God who is saying: "Trust me, no matter what is happening around you. I am with you" (Isaiah 41:10).
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Hearing From God Through Prayer
By Pastor Patricia Reeves
Many years ago I often called my Mom and asked her to pray for me concerning different issues in my life, such as jobs, finances, and travels. I waited for her to call and give me "a word" she had heard from God.
Monday, May 27, 2013
God's River of Revival is Flowing Your Way
Chad Pregracke has a passion for cleaning America's rivers. For the past 15 years, Pregracke has been pulling out tires, refrigerators, washing machines and more out of the Mississippi River and other rivers across the country.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
21 Days to More Godly Communication
By JoJo Tabares
The Lord talks about communication HUNDREDs of times in His Word. As we read the Word of God, we understand the power and impact of the tongue. He cautions us and instructs us in its use, not just for making speeches, but for everyday life.
They say it takes 21 days to make a habit so, over the next 21 days, I am going to share a few of my favorite verses and the importance of applying them today.
“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” -Proverbs 25:11
This is my signature verse so I thought I’d start with it. I love this verse. It reminds me that our words are precious. We shouldn’t just throw them out there and hope they stick. We should take care to choose our words wisely and craft our conversation with wisdom, tailoring it to the unique individual and particular situation at hand.
Being an effective communicator is more important today than it ever was before. WHY?
* We are now communicating with the world.
Technology has given us the ability to communicate with people around the world. With one click of a mouse we can send our words anywhere. We need to remember that these unseen people are human beings from different cultures, backgrounds and experiences who see the world in a unique way.
God doesn’t make Cookie-Cutter People and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to communicating effectively. It is critical that our words are a good “fit”.
* Misinformation abounds.
Precisely because it is so easy for someone to express their opinions to the world, it is equally as simple to express misinformation. We have come to understand that, just because it is written in the paper or reported by a newscaster, doesn’t necessarily make it true or accurate. The media is famous for twisting the truth and reporting whatever serves its agenda. We need, also, to understand that whatever is typed into a blog or article on the internet may not be “the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
In today’s society, it is often necessary to explain or clear up misunderstandings people have. This isn’t as easy to do these days because there are more “hot topics” than there used to be. Politics and religion are no longer the only topics to “stay away from in polite company”. Today’s society has an emotional reaction to many topics including homeschooling, evolution, gun control, global warming, vaccinations, etc.
Today’s discussions require much more communication skill to overcome the knee-jerk emotional reactions that inevitably follow any mention of many of these topics.
* People are busy.
I remember watching a documentary from the 1950′s that depicted what society would look like in the 1980′s. I think I watched it in the 1990′s so it was quite humorous to me. It showed the wife as the lady of leisure. Due to the technological advances, she was able to get her housework done in a fraction of the time leaving her rested and able to pursue more of her interests.
Today’s woman is busy! Aside from the housework and children, she is usually working as well (outside or inside the home). Today’s husband may have to work more than one job to make ends meet. People no longer have the time to investigate issues thoroughly. They rely more and more on the media and, as I said, the media has their own agenda to promote. They no longer give you, as Sgt Friday used to say, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” The media infuses their “truth” with opinion, sound bites and misinformation.
It takes much more communication skill to respectfully break through some of these deeply held, accepted beliefs. It also takes more time. Time people generally don’t have to wade through all the information out there and discover the truth. They’re busy keeping their family together and making ends meet.
* Respectful discourse is no longer in fashion.
If you read the words of our forefathers, you will notice that, although they may have disagreed vehemently with someone, they usually did so with respect and in grace. Not so these days.
Because there is so much information (and misinformation) thrown at us when we are busier than ever, there is more of a frustration with life today. Because much of the information we get is from faceless sources (TV, internet, email, billbaords) we are no longer coming face-to-face with a human being. There is a justification, or even almost an entitlement, to respond to someone out of frustration with disrespect.
I remember waiting in line behind a red light in the left turn lane a few years ago. The woman behind me got out of her car, walked around to my driver’s side window and began screaming her head off at me! I remember her being behind me for several blocks prior to that. She came into view when the car in front of her changed lanes. I had no idea what she was so upset about and I dared not open my window to find out! When the light changed to green, she got back in her car and went on her way.
Road rage is only one of the many ways in which society has come to express their anger and frustration. It is much less common for someone to do something so violent in person, but over the internet where you don’t need to look into the eyes of your victim, people are much more likely to “fly off the handle”.
It takes much more communication skill to handle the typical “Nasty Grams” we get today.
* Anti-Christian bias is.
More and more each day, Christians are told to sit down and be quiet about Jesus. Just the mere mention of the name of our Lord and Savior brings anger to some. More and more college professors and even high school teachers feel justified in spouting hatred of Christians, our beliefs and our Lord. More and more God is being taken out of our society in the name of “separation of church and state.”
Even young Christian children may have to handle a question or negative comment (in school or even on the playground) about their faith. It is no longer a matter of if a Christian will be asked to defend his faith, but when God tells us to share the Good News, we can’t do that without communicating.
When we communicate, whether it be to share or defend our faith, express our political ideas or even just to have a conversation with someone in line at the grocery store, we cannot just throw our words out there and hope for the best.
The Lord tells us how we are to use the power of the tongue. Throughout the Bible, He shares how we are to speak with one another. Each of us is a unique creation of God who sees the world from a different perspective. It takes much more skill to communicate than it used to. We need to learn to share our thoughts and ideas in today’s world. The first step is to understand that our words are precious.
A word fitly spoken can be a gift we give to others as we share our lives and experiences with them.
Article printed from LadyPens: http://www.ladypens.com
URL to article: http://www.ladypens.com/21-days-to-more-godly-communication/
Friday, March 15, 2013
Count It All Joy: You Will Pass Your Test!
By Pastor Pattie Reeves
Co-Adminstrator, Covenant Home Care
In the post, "Who Said You Had To Deserve What God Gives You", Rick Renner spoke of the assignments that God gives us that sometimes we don't feel worthy of or that we feel we are failing.
What test is assigned to you? Is it an illness, a financial collapse or marriage collapse that you are having to deal with?
Whatever is assigned to you: Be Strong, don't give up! And above all, do not charge God foolishly!
Tests sometimes come and they make you strong. Tests give you an opportunity to rest, collect your thoughts and find out in what areas you need to forgive and repent.
We all will be tested. Just as in the natural, you have to study and know the material to pass a test, in the spiritual, you must know God's Word and what promises you have in the Word to pass the test!
Co-Adminstrator, Covenant Home Care
In the post, "Who Said You Had To Deserve What God Gives You", Rick Renner spoke of the assignments that God gives us that sometimes we don't feel worthy of or that we feel we are failing.
What test is assigned to you? Is it an illness, a financial collapse or marriage collapse that you are having to deal with?
Whatever is assigned to you: Be Strong, don't give up! And above all, do not charge God foolishly!
Tests sometimes come and they make you strong. Tests give you an opportunity to rest, collect your thoughts and find out in what areas you need to forgive and repent.
We all will be tested. Just as in the natural, you have to study and know the material to pass a test, in the spiritual, you must know God's Word and what promises you have in the Word to pass the test!
As James so perfectly and purely stated in his testing, "Brethern, I count it all joy!"
The "joy of the Lord is my strength." What's yours?
Who Said You Had To Deserve What God Gives You?
By Rick Renner
Timothy was the pastor of the world's largest church of that time – the church of Ephesus. It was also the most famous church in the world. Started by Paul, this illustrious congregation included the apostle John as a church member. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was also a member of the church in her old age. It was a church like none other before or after it.
What a privilege it was for Timothy to become the pastor of this well-known and powerful congregation! After working side by side with the apostle Paul for many years, he had finally become the leaders of his own work. It was a huge assignment for a young man, but after working with Paul all those years, Timothy was ready to step into his own pulpit as the senior pastor of the cherished Ephesian church. As far as we know, it was the first time in his life he served in such a position.
By the time Paul wrote the book of Second Timothy, however, things weren't going so well in the city of Ephesus. Nero was persecuting the church, and, as a result, church members were deserting the Lord in order to save their lives. Leaders in the church were waging war with each other over doctrinal issues; others didn't like Timothy and consequently rebelled against his leadership. This young pastor must have felt like he had a mess on his hands! After receiving the honor of becoming senior pastor of the world's largest church, he may have felt like he was failing at the job.
Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus
--2 Timothy 2: 1
Timothy was the pastor of the world's largest church of that time – the church of Ephesus. It was also the most famous church in the world. Started by Paul, this illustrious congregation included the apostle John as a church member. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was also a member of the church in her old age. It was a church like none other before or after it.
What a privilege it was for Timothy to become the pastor of this well-known and powerful congregation! After working side by side with the apostle Paul for many years, he had finally become the leaders of his own work. It was a huge assignment for a young man, but after working with Paul all those years, Timothy was ready to step into his own pulpit as the senior pastor of the cherished Ephesian church. As far as we know, it was the first time in his life he served in such a position.
By the time Paul wrote the book of Second Timothy, however, things weren't going so well in the city of Ephesus. Nero was persecuting the church, and, as a result, church members were deserting the Lord in order to save their lives. Leaders in the church were waging war with each other over doctrinal issues; others didn't like Timothy and consequently rebelled against his leadership. This young pastor must have felt like he had a mess on his hands! After receiving the honor of becoming senior pastor of the world's largest church, he may have felt like he was failing at the job.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Live by Love!
By Pastor Sarah Marie Gardner
My Beloved,
The law was given to the people of Israel. It was not given to be a burden, but to make them wise and to distinguish them from other people:
Surely I have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess. Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."~Deuteronomy 4:5-6
This law was like a code of conduct for the people of Israel. If they would abide by it, they would be wise and understanding people.
When Jesus Christ came to earth, He taught us how to live by love, which is a higher way of living. If we abide in His loved, we will be wise and understanding people.
But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. ~ 1 Corinthians 1:30
As believers, our code of conduct is love.
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. ~John 13:35
Love distinguishes us from the world. My desire is that we would be wise and full of love; in this way, the Kingdom of God will be seen through us.
Sarah Marie Gardner is President and Founding Pastor of Life Christian Church in Troy, MI. She currently pastors Life Christian Church in Naples, FL.

The law was given to the people of Israel. It was not given to be a burden, but to make them wise and to distinguish them from other people:
Surely I have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the Lord my God commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess. Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."~Deuteronomy 4:5-6
This law was like a code of conduct for the people of Israel. If they would abide by it, they would be wise and understanding people.
When Jesus Christ came to earth, He taught us how to live by love, which is a higher way of living. If we abide in His loved, we will be wise and understanding people.
But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. ~ 1 Corinthians 1:30
As believers, our code of conduct is love.
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. ~John 13:35
Love distinguishes us from the world. My desire is that we would be wise and full of love; in this way, the Kingdom of God will be seen through us.
Sarah Marie Gardner is President and Founding Pastor of Life Christian Church in Troy, MI. She currently pastors Life Christian Church in Naples, FL.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Receive Answers to Your Prayers!
By Cynthia O Amaefule
The Old Testament folks always had to resort to the Prophets and seers to inquire of the Lord. It wasn't a common revelation to the people to talk directly to God in prayer and expect to receive an answer from Him.
However, when Jesus came, He made it clear to us that it was the Father's desire to boldly and confidently talk to the Father in prayers and receive answers: "and in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you. Hitherto, have ye asked nothing in my name: ask and ye shall receive, that your joy maybe full" (John 16:23-24).
The day that Jesus spoke of is not a twenty-four hour day, but a dispensation, a season, a set time in which you could make requests and receive answers to your prayers. Thanks be unto God, this is the set time. We have come into that day that Jesus was referring to. We have the privilege of being able to pray and receive answers instantly. It is the Father's delight to answer your prayers; it is His good pleasure to give you the wonderful treasures of the kingdom (Luke12:32).
Therefore never doubt His willingness to answer you speedily when you pray. He has ordained you to receive answers to your prayers that your joy maybe full, therefore go ahead and make your request known to the Father, and He will grant you the desires of your heart.
The Old Testament folks always had to resort to the Prophets and seers to inquire of the Lord. It wasn't a common revelation to the people to talk directly to God in prayer and expect to receive an answer from Him.
However, when Jesus came, He made it clear to us that it was the Father's desire to boldly and confidently talk to the Father in prayers and receive answers: "and in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you. Hitherto, have ye asked nothing in my name: ask and ye shall receive, that your joy maybe full" (John 16:23-24).
The day that Jesus spoke of is not a twenty-four hour day, but a dispensation, a season, a set time in which you could make requests and receive answers to your prayers. Thanks be unto God, this is the set time. We have come into that day that Jesus was referring to. We have the privilege of being able to pray and receive answers instantly. It is the Father's delight to answer your prayers; it is His good pleasure to give you the wonderful treasures of the kingdom (Luke12:32).
Therefore never doubt His willingness to answer you speedily when you pray. He has ordained you to receive answers to your prayers that your joy maybe full, therefore go ahead and make your request known to the Father, and He will grant you the desires of your heart.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
You wil also declare a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways. (Job 22:28, NKJV)
Today I declare that a shift is coming. Whatever you need – a shift in your health, a shift in your finances, or a shift in a relationship. It may not look like anything is happening in the natural, but we serve a supernatural God. He's about to breathe in your direction in a new way! The enemies you have seen in the past, you will see no more. The addictions or bad habits that have held you back are being broken in Jesus' name. God's favor is being released in a new way that will propel you forward. What should have taken you 40 years to accomplish, God is going to do in a split second!
The shift is acceleration. The shift means going beyond where you could go on your own. The shift is seeing Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond. Now our attitude should be, "God I'm ready. I'm taking the limits off of You. I'm enlarging my vision. I may not see a way, but I know You have a way. I declare I'm coming into a shift!"
Article Source: Joel Osteen Ministries
Today I declare that a shift is coming. Whatever you need – a shift in your health, a shift in your finances, or a shift in a relationship. It may not look like anything is happening in the natural, but we serve a supernatural God. He's about to breathe in your direction in a new way! The enemies you have seen in the past, you will see no more. The addictions or bad habits that have held you back are being broken in Jesus' name. God's favor is being released in a new way that will propel you forward. What should have taken you 40 years to accomplish, God is going to do in a split second!
The shift is acceleration. The shift means going beyond where you could go on your own. The shift is seeing Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond. Now our attitude should be, "God I'm ready. I'm taking the limits off of You. I'm enlarging my vision. I may not see a way, but I know You have a way. I declare I'm coming into a shift!"
Article Source: Joel Osteen Ministries
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
5 Things to Do When You're Feeling Doubtful and Discouraged

Somewhere along the way in Western Church history, Christians went from being a passionate people who expressed their fluctuating emotions to God, to a pious people who kept their emotions in check and handled their problems on their own.
God can use our discouragement to do a Divine work in us
The truth is Christians who love God will have moments of discouragement and doubt and will question God about why certain things are happening to them. Just take a look at Jesus Christ, the Son of God. When Jesus was dying on the cross, He cried out, My God, My God, why have You forsaken me? (Matthew 27:45). Was Jesus discouraged? Yes. His death was agonizingly slow and painful. Did Father God actually forsake Him? No. But the Father knew that He could not intervene in the Divine and supernatural process that reconciled sinful humanity back to Himself.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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