By Pastor Patricia Reeves
Many years ago I often called my Mom and asked her to pray for me concerning different issues in my life, such as jobs, finances, and travels. I waited for her to call and give me "a word" she had heard from God.
My mother was my "knees and my ears" (the one who prayed and heard from God on my behalf) and I saw no real need to develop a personal prayer life. I was content and trusted her to be the vessel God would use. However, it all came to a sudden halt when God called my mother home suddenly in 1982. It shook my world. As a result, I came to the realization that I needed a personal prayer life. I needed to tune my own ear so I could hear from God. This was rather frightening because my mother had been my crutch for so long and I was very comfortable with it.
As my world was turned upside down, Romans 8:28 came to reality; …and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. I set out to find the good in my Mom's passing and joined a local Wednesday night prayer group for answers.
I went in seeking comfort and was trained to be an intercessor. I learned how to intercede on behalf of others and not just pray for my needs. I enjoyed praying as much as I did worshipping. There was nothing that hindered me from my Wednesday night prayer meetings. This was my lifeline. Week after week I communed with God and felt His love draw me closer and closer. I began to understand that prayer sets the atmosphere over things, and worship brings the presence of God. I also learned that you receive supernatural impartation (divine grace to be able to do in the natural what humanly can't be done) when you obey God in prayer. I now know the prayer is the key to heaven, and faith unlocks the door.
I began to yearn for the voice I so often heard my Mom speak of. When I first began to hear God's voice when in prayer, I hesitated to repeat His Words. I longed for God to speak to me, not understanding the many times He had already done so in the form of a song, a scripture, a sermon, or through a passing stranger. I wasn't sure what I was looking for, but now I know. I had heard the authentic voice of God.
Hearing from God
Hearing form God manifests in many forms. His words can come through a song, a sermon, a prophet, by reading the Bible, or by an audible voice in your spirit.
God does hear us. Psalm 34:15 says, For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer… Hearing from God is generally birthed from everyday life issues. It teaches you a new experience in life and increases your faith in Him. When you spend time with the Father, you will learn to know His voice when He speaks to you and no one can take that from you. John 20:27 says, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I talk to My Heavenly Father often and I know His voice and He knows mine.
Having faith in God
On a beautiful sunny morning in June of 2008, I began my prayer and devotion as usual, when I suddenly looked around and said, "Lord, you have given me this beautiful home and I need furniture to fill it." Just as plain as I would speak to another person, I heard God say: "JUST PRAISE ME!!" That morning my devotion was at an unusually high level. My worship was pure and intense. Twenty minutes into my worship, a calmness came over me, and I heard God's still, quiet voice: "It's in the mail." After hearing this it was as if the heavens had opened and the sun was shining only on my home. I had such a peace, it's hard to explain. I wanted so much to call my husband and share the experience with him, but the Holy Spirit did not lead me to do so. I just laid across my bed, basking in this wonderful anointing. It was so unusual. I knew something was going to happen that day.
As I prepared myself to go to the office, the anointing of God rested heavily upon me and I could not stop singing praises to Him. When I arrived at the office, I turned on my praise and worship music, and continued singing. I could not stop worshipping, the more I tried, the more the praises came. Tears were flowing and the presence of God filled my office. When mail arrived, I browsed with such excitement and anticipation. I cannot tell you what I was looking for but I KNEW that I was going to be something in the mail THAT day.
Browsing through the mail, I came across an envelope from one of our vendors and I laid it aside, thinking it was the usual weekly invoice.The Holy Spirit led me back to that envelope and as I began to read it, I started to cry. The letter informed us that from February 2007 to February 2008, there had been an error made to our account and they would be issuing a refund on the attached accounts. I began to rejoice, giving God my "highest praise." What I heard God say that morning, "It's in the mail," I believed by faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). I had heard from God. My faith was activated and I BELIEVED, without reservation, that a blessing was in the mail!
Sometimes God speaks and the results are immediate and other times He has to prepare us to receive His answer. Blessings can be health, healing, material gain, inventions, etc., but the same principle applies: Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
When your faith is tested
A year ago my husband was informed that he could potentially have cancer. I immediately went into prayer and heard from God: "I will work it for his good." I was at peace and never worried, even when the second set of tests came back positive. A biopsy was ordered to be more conclusive. Two weeks after the biopsy, we returned to the clinic for consultation. The doctor came in the room, greeted us and said, "Mr. Reeves, I have bad news for you." At that moment I reflected on what I had heard from God, not on the doctor's news. I remained strong and calm. I looked at my husband who also appeared calm. Just as we were about to ask questions, the doctor began shuffling the papers and said: "I am sorry, I have the wrong patient's report. Mr. Reeves, your biopsy is negative." My faith at that moment was tested, but I was confident in the word I heard from God. I remained at peace and God did as He said in His word. He worked it out for my husband's good.
When you hear from God in prayer, you gain a certain confidence, and no one can take that from you. Keep praying, keep believing and expect to hear from God!
This article originally appeared in the United in Christ Ministries 2009 newsletter. Pastor Patricia Reeves and her husband, Steve Reeves, co-own Covenant Home Care in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
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