Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hearing From God Through Prayer

By Pastor Patricia Reeves

Many years ago I often called my Mom and asked her to pray for me concerning different issues in my life, such as jobs, finances, and travels. I waited for her to call and give me "a word" she had heard from God. 

My mother was my "knees and my ears" (the one who prayed and heard from God on my behalf) and I saw no real need to develop a personal prayer life. I was content and trusted her to be the vessel God would use. However, it all came to a sudden halt when God called my mother home suddenly in 1982. It shook my world. As a result, I came to the realization that I needed a personal prayer life. I needed to tune my own ear so I could hear from God. This was rather frightening because my mother had been my crutch for so long and I was very comfortable with it. 

As my world was turned upside down, Romans 8:28 came to reality; …and we know that all things work together for good to them  that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. I set out to find the good in my Mom's passing and joined a local Wednesday night prayer group for answers. 

I went in seeking comfort and was trained to be an intercessor. I learned how to intercede on behalf of others and not just pray for my needs. I enjoyed praying as much as I did worshipping. There was nothing that hindered me from my Wednesday night prayer meetings. This was my lifeline. Week after week I communed with God and felt His love draw me closer and closer. I began to understand that prayer sets the atmosphere over things, and worship brings the presence of God. I also learned that you receive supernatural impartation (divine grace to be able to do in the natural what humanly can't be done) when you obey God in prayer. I now know the prayer is the key to heaven, and faith unlocks the door. 

I began to yearn for the voice I so often heard my Mom speak of. When I first began to hear God's voice when in prayer, I hesitated to repeat His Words. I longed for God to speak to me, not understanding the many times He had already done so in the form of a song, a scripture, a sermon, or through a passing stranger. I wasn't sure what I was looking for, but now I know. I had heard the authentic voice of God.