The Visionaries
Covenant Home Care was birthed in 2006 by Steve and Pattie Reeves. By FAITH they set out on a journey to create a different home care for seniors and their families. Because they often shared their stories of faith, they soon became known as the “Faithful Duo.”
Steve and Pattie Reeves are both ordained pastors. The Reeves had an increasing desire to not just treat their patients’ natural needs but their spiritual needs as well. Their compassion extends not only to the patients, but also to the family members. They developed a motto: “Treat the patient and support the caregiver.”
Pattie’s early experiences as a nurse in home health care became frustrating because her bosses frowned upon her praying and reading healing scriptures to patients. The inability to perform the spiritual aspect of care was among the reasons why the Reeves decided to start their own home care agency. Today, the Reeves stay committed to a devout prayer life and draw on their faith to build a home care business that provides warm, compassionate, personalized care in the comfort of the home.