Monday, October 22, 2012

Joel Osteen: Yes is in Your Future

By Pastor Joel Osteen

Do you get discouraged when all you hear is No? You worked hard and didn’t get the promotion. You prayed and believed but didn’t qualify for the new home. You put time and energy into a relationship but it didn’t work out.  On the way to your yes, there will be no’s. You have to get through the no’s to get to your yes’. The mistake many people make is they get discourage by the no’s and they quit trying. The right attitude is “I’m one step closer to my yes!” Don’t get stuck in a no, when you know yes is in your future.

Will you keep the faith? If you are to keep moving forward you have to keep this on the forefront of your mind; yes is in my future. Yes. I will find that special someone. Yes, I will get that dream job. Yes, I will fulfill my destiny. The no’s are a test of our faith! When you hit your big yes all the other no’s will seem so insignificant.
Sometimes the people closest to us can be the least encouraging. When God puts a dream in your heart don’t let anyone talk you out of it. People around you will only think of your natural ability but we serve a supernatural God. He is for us and not against us!
When God laid out the plan for your life, He laid out the right people, breaks, opportunities and open doors. But on the way to these marked moments are “no’s” — closed doors, setbacks and disappointments. It’s easy to grow discouraged and give up when we face these times; but, it is after the “no’s” in life that a “yes” will eventually come. God is in divine control of everything happening in your life. The no’s we face are not a surprise to Him; they are simply a test of our faith. To pass the test, stay focused and press through the no’s when they come. If you do, you are going to come into the abundance of what God has in store!
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV).
Article Source and URL: Joel Osteen Ministries,

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