Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Seven Steps to Healing-Step 2: Attitude

By Pastor Pattie Reeves
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” Proverbs 23:7
Our attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how we respond to circumstances. Our minds determine our attitude. We can respond positively or negatively. It’s how we react to events, not the events themselves that determines our attitude. Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.
          -John Homer Miller

Keeping a positive attitude is critical in your healing process. Negativity should not hold a seat at your table or be a part of your life.
My mother instilled an “I can do it” attitude in me at an early age. Today, I remind my children of the Scripture in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” I tell them to draw from it and keep their attitudes positive, keep their thoughts positive and above all, their words positive. I encourage them not to speak ill of anyone.

Many years ago, my husband was having some health challenges and went to the doctor. The doctor told us from all indications that it was cancer, but he needed further testing to confirm his diagnosis. Extensive tests were done and they all confirmed the first finding but they wanted a tissue sample to seal the confirmation. Prior to the biopsy procedure, we touched and agreed in prayer that the enemy would not win this battle.  We believed God for the victory and receive the healing which was his. The biopsy was done and we had to wait two weeks to get the report back because the doctor went on vacation the day after the biopsy. While driving to the doctor’s office, a small voice spoke to me: “It is well.” The doctor came in to the examination room with a stack of papers. As he was reading them, he looked up and said: “Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, I am sorry, I have bad news.” I looked at my husband and he looked at me. We didn’t say a word. We had already heard from God and we knew that “it was well.” In that very moment, our faith was tested and our attitude could have become negative, yet we held on to the Scripture: “Be still and know that I am God.” In our moment of silence, the doctor began to shuffle the papers and stood up and said, “Oh, I am sorry. I have the wrong chart.” When he returned to the room, he announced what God had already told us: “It is negative.” Our attitude never became negative, our faith was not shaken, we didn’t become excited and start asking questions, we remained calm and quiet. We believed what God had already spoken and kept a positive attitude. When they told us the correct report, we walked out laughing and asked each other: “What kind of doctor is this?” 

Attitude and speaking is so important in healing. Remember there is life and death in the power of the tongue. Never claim diabetes, cancer, or heart trouble when you become ill. Claim your healing and say, “My body is going through a change or a challenge.”  If you claim a disease, the enemy will attach it to you. If you don’t claim it and plead the blood of Jesus, it’s harder for him to attack. My son was diagnosed with asthma at the tender age of three. We “lived” at Children’s Hospital because he had one attack after another weekly. He was unable to walk long distances, run or play sports. He once said, “Mommy, I want to be normal.” My heart ached as any mother’s would. Finally, I took authority over the disease and said, “Enough is enough!” I taught him to say each time his breathing was challenged, “Thank you, Jesus for my healing.” I told him to say this in his heart between each breath that he took, and believe it and receive his healing. When he was six and a half years old, he had a severe asthmatic attack at school.  The school called for an ambulance and they transported him to the hospital.  When I received the call to meet him at the hospital, I immediately began praying, “Lord, help him to remember to say what I taught him.”  He told me later that his teacher was in the ambulance with him and told him not to talk, but to be still and quiet. So, he began to say in his heart, “Thank you, Jesus for my healing.” When I arrived at the hospital emergency room, there was my bright-eyed, smiling child, saying, “Mommy, I did like you told me and Jesus healed me!”  This was nine years ago when he encountered his last attack. Today, he is running track, lifting weights, jumping off buildings (doing Parkour) and swimming avidly. To God be the Glory!! It was nothing that we did. We just told him to receive the healing that was made available to him over 2,000 years ago.  He believed the Word: “By his stripes we are healed.” Today, he proudly shares his testimony of healing with his peers.  He kept a positive attitude, believed in the Word and knew he didn’t want this type of life any more. His positive attitude and faith in God made him whole. There is nothing missing and nothing lacking in his life today.

We all face health challenges, financial challenges and other situations. But, whatever the challenge is, our attitude plays an integral part in our healing and recovery process.  My six-year-old son taught many adults a lesson, including his teachers who were astounded that he came back to school so quickly and never had another attack.  His parents had faith, but his faith was activated and he received his healing. 

Pastors Steve and Pattie Reeves are owners of Covenant Home Care.  They are under the tutelage of Pastor Sarah Marie Lasala of Life Christian Church in Naples, Florida.  

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