Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Covenant Story

The Visionaries

Covenant Home Care was birthed in 2006 by Steve and Pattie Reeves.  By FAITH they set out on a journey to create a different home care for seniors and their families. Because they often shared their stories of faith, they soon became known as the “Faithful Duo.” 

Steve and Pattie Reeves are both ordained pastors. The Reeves had an increasing desire to not just treat their patients’ natural needs but their spiritual needs as well. Their compassion extends not only to the patients, but also to the family members. They developed a motto: “Treat the patient and support the caregiver.”  

Pattie’s early experiences as a nurse in home health care became frustrating because her bosses frowned upon her praying and reading healing scriptures to patients.  The inability to perform the spiritual aspect of care was among the reasons why the Reeves decided to start their own home care agency. Today, the Reeves stay committed to a devout prayer life and draw on their faith to build a home care business that provides warm, compassionate, personalized care in the comfort of the home. 

Giving Shows Gratitude

My Beloved,

During the Christmas Season we are reminded about having the spirit of giving. The spirit of giving should not be for the Christmas season only; rather a lifestyle. So many times when the Bible talks about giving, we immediately think about material things-but it's much more than that. Giving can be of our time, giving a hug, giving a compliment or building the other person up. Sometimes it's easier to write a check than to give of ourselves in prayer.

One time when I was worshipping with my children, the Lord stopped me to pray for a friend of mine. The Lord told me she was in trouble. So, we all began to pray for her. After praying, we called her and found out that while we were in prayer, she had accidently driven into a ditch and her life was spared by divine intervention.

This is what can happen when we have a spirit of giving. Not only can we be a blessing for ourselves, but for others, too. 

1 Timothy 6:18: Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

With all my love,

Pastor Sarah Marie Gardner

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Don't Let Unforgiveness Ruin Your Holiday Spirit

As the holidays are approaching, you do not want to be in turmoil due to unforgiveness of a family member or friend. Let your Thanksgiving and Christmas be full of JOY and HAPPINESS. Don't have a cloud over your home or spirit because you're holding on to grudges or past hurts. 

Unforgiveness has been a leading cause of illness and death, more than attacks from a gun or knife. Unforgiveness can cause illness in your body without warning or an explanation.  In the medical world, tumors are said to be a cause of stress and worry and in the spiritual realm, we call it unforgiveness.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Seven Steps to Healing-Step Seven: Don't Let Stress Consume You

Cast your burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain you; he shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22). 

A young lady confidently walked around the room while leading and explaining stress management to an audience. Holding a raised glass of water, everyone knew she was going to ask the ultimate question: "Half empty or half full?" She fooled them all. She asked with a smile, "How heavy is this glass of water?"

Seven Steps to Healing-Step Six: Psalm 91: God's Umbrella of Protection

By Pastors Steve and Pattie Reeves
Founders, Covenant Home Care

Psalm 91: He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of  the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shall thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.  

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Seven Steps to Healing-Step Five: Guarding Your Gates

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). 
  The human body has three gates that lead to the heart:  The eye gate, the ear gate, and the mouth gate.  We should see, hear and speak those things that will keep us on the right path and the right direction.  This will avoid temptation at any cost and avoid missing your goal in life.  The wrong music can make you have wrong thoughts. The wrong television program can make you have lustful thoughts. The wrong association can make you say things that don’t edify Christ or even yourself. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Seven Steps to Healing-Step Four: Dealing With Rejection

By Pastor Steve Reeves 

Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons since he was a child of his old age, and he made him a fine woolen tunic. His brothers saw that it was he whom their father loved most of all his brothers so they hated him and could not speak to him peaceably.” Genesis 37:3-4.

Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery.  They hated him. They rejected him.  Oh, how rejection stings.  It hurts.  In some form or fashion, we all have experienced rejection and felt the effects that it brings. Rejection is a part of life that affects each of us at some point and it's not limited to only one instance.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Seven Steps to Healing-Step 3: Belief

By Pastor Pattie Reeves

Everything is possible for him who believes. Mark 9:23

Belief is a knowledge that we can do something. It's the inner feeling that what we undertake, we can accomplish. For the most part, all of us have the ability to know whether or not we can do it. So in belief, there is power: Our eyes are opened, our opportunities become plain, and our visions become realities.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Seven Steps to Healing-Step 2: Attitude

By Pastor Pattie Reeves
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” Proverbs 23:7
Our attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how we respond to circumstances. Our minds determine our attitude. We can respond positively or negatively. It’s how we react to events, not the events themselves that determines our attitude. Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.
          -John Homer Miller

Keeping a positive attitude is critical in your healing process. Negativity should not hold a seat at your table or be a part of your life.

Seven Steps to Healing-Step 1: Forgiveness

By Pastor Pattie Reeves

Unforgiveness has been a leading cause of illness and death, more than attacks from a gun or knife. Unforgiveness can cause illness in your body without warning or an explanation.  In the medical world, tumors are said to be a cause of stress and worry and in the spiritual realm, we call it unforgiveness.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to Covenant Health and Spiritual Wellness Blogs

We are excited about our new venture into the “Social Network”  We are launching a weekly blog to keep you informed with the most recent news in home health care and will also offer spiritual insights into health and wellness. We encourge you to follow us weekly; it will help you in maintaining your health.

Covenant Home Care was established in 2006 by Steve and Pattie Reeves. Pattie Reeves is the Administrator of Covenant Home Care. She is a graduate of Wayne State University's Nursing School and has a Master's Degree from University of Detroit. Steve Reeves is Chief Financial Officer of Covenant Home Care.  He holds an Engineering Degree from University of Detroit Mercy. The Reeves also are ordained pastors. 

Covenant Home Care offers a number of services and has experienced home care providers on staff.  All our staff is licensed, bonded and insured.  Covenant holds the Gold Seal accredation by The Joint Commission. 

We are more than just a home care agency, we are a Christian company that offers unparalleled full service to our clients. Covenant Home Care enters into a "covenant" or "agreement" with our clients to work together in the best interests of their loved one. Covenant agrees to provide the best home care as well as pastoral and spiritual care for those who request this service. In-home communion is also available upon request.

We invite you to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Also feel free to visit us on our website for more information about our company. Please don't hesitate to call our offices at 1-248 593-6177. Contact us today and see how we can make a difference in your life or the life of your loved ones. In the meantime, follow our weekly blogs and inspirational messages.